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Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) / Dezvoltarea psiho-socio-emotionala (DPSE) a copiilor este parte a curriculum-ului britanic si are un rol deosebit de important deoarece asigura succesul copiilor la scoala si in viata.

Programa educationala britanica Early Years Foundation Stage/Etapa de baza pentru educatie timpurie, ghideaza activitatea tuturor educatorilor si copiii deprind comportamente specifice astfel:

  • Dezvolta strategii pentru a face fata unor situatii noi, provocatoare, stresante;
  • Sunt incurajati sa exploreze lumea si sa-si exprime ideile si sentimentele ( bucurie, tristete, frustrare, teama);

Social emotional learning

Comportamentul PSE, este ceea ce copiii invata zi de zi la gradinita despre ei insisi si despre locul lor in comunitatile mici si mari in care traiesc.

Este foarte important sa analizam aspectele legate de dezvoltarea psiho – socio – emotionala armonioasa a copiilor: prietenia, o viata sanatoasa, siguranta, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, mediul inconjurator, toate acestea contribuie la formarea unui copil fericit.

Un copil fericit, sanatos, ingrijit si cu o gandire pozitiva este piatra de temelie a unui tanar adult bine educat.

Ensure The Success of Your Child

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) of children is a part of the British curriculum and plays an especially important role because it makes sure children succeed at school and in life.

The British educational program Early Years Foundation Stage guides the activity of all teachers. This helps children learn specific behaviours:

Children develop strategies to handle new, challenging and stressful situations;

Children are encouraged to explore the world and to express their ideas and feelings (happiness, sadness, frustration, fear); 

Social emotional learning

The PSE behaviour refers to what children learn each day at the kindergarten about themselves and about their role in small and big communities they live in.

It is extremely important to analyze the aspects related to psycho – social-emotional harmonious development of children: friendship, a healthy life, safety, self-esteem and respect for others,  environment – all of these contribute to raising a happy child.

A happy and healthy child, with positive thinking, is the foundation stone of a well-educated young adult.